Application Form Sec.I-Sec.II-Special Section Application Form Sec.I-Sec.II-Special Section Section —Please choose an option—Sec. ISec. IISpecial Sec. Opera SingingSpecial Sec. Flute Category —Please choose an option—JuniorABCDEMain CategoryChamber MusicEnsembleOrchestraChoir Details of Participant: Sec. I - Special Sec. - Sec. II (Group Representative) Instrument/Voice Name Surname Date of Birth Nationality Address Street and House Number Zip Code City Phone Number E-mail Programme Sec. II Details Number of Members and Instruments (from two to six elements) Name and Surname of all the group members (from two to six elements) Number of Members for Ensemble, Orchestra, and Choir Parent/Guardian Information (for Minors under 18 years old) Name Surname Address Date of Birth E-mail Phone Number Do you require an accompanist YesNo ATTACHMENTS (max. 2mb) Please upload a copy of ID with photo and date of birth Bank Transfer for Sec. I and Special Sec. (application fee and piano accompanist fee) Sec. II (single bank transfer) Please upload a copy of the music for the piano accompanist (if requested): Where did you hear about the competition Musical ChairsTeacher/School/ConservatoryFacebookFriends/ColleaguesGoogleOther Privacy and Rules: I authorize the processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments, as well as EU Regulation 2016/679. I consent to the processing of my personal data or of my minor child by the Association for all the activities described above, for which consent represents the legal basis for processing. I declare that I fully accept the rules contained in the general regulations of the competition, and by enrolling in the International Competition Luigi Zanuccoli, I also request to become a member of the ClassicAllMusic Musical Association.